
Mr.Jealous (teen stories)

“Cathy was Rob’s new girlfriend . He liked her a lot.”


I read “Mr. Jealous”. This book has many stories, so I will summary “Mr. Jealous” story.

They are very good couple but, Rob doubted Cathy about that she had other boyfriends. That weekend, he asked to Cathy. “Did you have a good week?”. Then, she answered that she went to Tom’s on Monday and Wednesday. After that, he suggested that the boy is her boyfriend.

 He annoyed that he doesn’t real boyfriend for Cathy. However, it was may be wrong. Tom was a little child and she didn’t have another boyfriend. Then, he felt very good and was relieved. However, Cathy felt that Tom’s brother is very cool and I like him….


 After reading this book, I thought that this book is a little scared. She didn’t have another boyfriend. It was a real thing, but she liked Tom’s brother. I don’t know about their future, but I think they will not get along well.


The White Oryx

“There! Near the trees. Can you see them? They’re the white oryx of Arabia.”


I read “The White Oryx”.

Abdullah and Mandy were in the desert. Abdullah was an oryx ranger and Mandy took some photos of the oryx to write a book about the animals of Arabia. When they saw the oryx, the oryx look up and run away quickly. According to the radio information, poachers appeared. Abdullah and Mary rode into their car and drove away quickly. On the way, Mandy found poacher’s car and some blood in the sand. They followed the tracks, an oryx was dead under the tree. The oryx was shot by the poacher and the oryx’s son was taken by poacher’s truck. Abdullah said to the police to bring a helicopter.

After that, their car was shot and they were in crisis to be killed by them. However, one helicopter came and they could help a child oryx.


I read this book because I like animals. However, I didn’t know about oryx, so it is happy for me to read this heartful story and understand about oryx.



Two boyfriends (teen stories)

“Tim was my boyfriend. But he wasn’t very exciting. He was lucky to have me for a girlfriend.”


 I read “Two boyfriends”. This book has many stories, so today, I summary “two boyfriends” story.

 The woman had been going out with Tim, but she felt that Tim wasn’t interesting and very boring. However, she wanted to go on an exciting holiday with Tim’s rich family in the summer, she was dating with him.

 Two weeks later, she met a man who name is John at the bus stop. He was very interesting and he wasn’t boring. Then, John and the woman decided to meet with each other on the pub. However, she had to see Tim every Tuesdays, so she planed a plan. The plan was that she see both men in a same day. At first, she saw Tim outside of the pub and talked with him. After that, she saw John at the pub and talk with John interestingly. John waited also his friend. However, Tim walked in the pub! The woman escaped to the rest room, and after that, she talked with John, but, the scene(the woman talked with John)was seen by Tim! Because John’s friend was Tim. Then, she lied both of them but it didn’t work. Afterwards, Tim and John never wanted to see him again and she had a boring holiday with her family in summer.


 After reading this book, I was reconsidered that lying is bad thing. This story’s woman was lying many time to both men, it made them unhappy and she made unhappy for herself. I have to reconsider myself more clearly.




The Troy Stone

“The Jackson family are on holiday in Turkey. They are staying at a big hotel in Istanbul. Mark(13), his sister Fay(12)and their parents like Turkey.”


I read “The Troy Stone”.

Mark and his family went to city of Troy at 9 o’clock in the morning. At Troy, tourists had lunch. It was a hot day, so, after an hour, Mark sat under the tree. Then, he saw something on the ground. It was a flat, yellow stone. “I know this stone” he said. Suddenly, there was a white light in his eye. He was not able to open his eyes.

Ten seconds later, he could open his eyes and he was standing on the beach. It was in a past time! There were many ships and men. And he helped to carry trees. A man call Mark and took him to top of the hill. There was a big statue of horse on the hill. However, men annoyed that they couldn’t search the horse’s eye stone. Mark took the stone out of his pocket. That made him very trusted. That evening, he sat near a big fire on the beach. There was an old woman who was Ana. She told lots of stories to Mark. After finished the talk, she said, “Goodbye, boy.” “Come and see me again one day.” The statue was made by trees and soldier could hide themselves in the Troy. When the war began, he started late and he was about to be killed by soldiers. So he rejected to fight with them and said “Please don’t kill me”.

After that, his sister woke him up. He was asleep and his face was white. He stood up after that, and he found an old woman. She has lots of small wooden horses in a basket. He bought an wooden horse, after that, the old woman said “Goodbye, boy.” “Come and see me again one day.”


This is a story about fantasy. I didn’t know about Troy clearly so it is good for me to read this book and understand about Troy. This is a short story, so it is good for us to enhance speed reading skills.




The Barcelona Game

“Holly Hooper lives in Manchester. She has two brothers, Kev and Trev. Holly is twelve, quiet and loves books.”


 I read “The Barcelona Game”.

One September morning, Kev brought the tickets for the Barcelona game. Holly didn’t know about the team of Barcelona, but her brothers were looking forward to it. There were three tickets for the game. However, his dad couldn’t go to game cause of his bad cold. So, Holly went to Barcelona with her brothers. After arriving at the Barcelona, her bag broke and her books fell on the street. After that, she bought one of the Barcelona bags.

They decided to go to Tibidabo for sightseeing but Hooper wanted to go to café and read her book. At the café, a man sat at the next table. He had a Barcelona bag which was same as Holly. Holly read her books and checked her bag soon, so, it was not her bag! It was man’s bag! Suddenly, she pursued the old man with a motorbike driver, Pere. After that, she was able to found the old man and found her bag. Finally, she went to Barcelona game with her brothers, and had fun.


I read this book because I like watching soccer game. At first, I thought that this story is about Barcelona soccer’s history, but it is not. This story is a little short, so we can use this book to enhance our speed reading skills.

 Barcelona game...スペイン・バルセロナの強豪サッカーチームの試合のこと。 

Michael Jordan

“Michael Jordan.” “People in every know that name.” “They know his face. They know his number:23.”

I read “Michael Jordan”. His family moved to Wilmington later in 1963. Michael came from a happy home with a lot of love. Young Michael’s best friend was his brother, Larry. He taught many thing to Michael about basketball. Their father built a big basketball court for them. This was the first basketball school for Michael.
  He played baseball, basketball and football at school when he was 12 to 15 years old. However, he was only 1.75 meters. Then, he was not good at basketball, but he wanted to play basketball and his height was 1.91meters at the summer of 1979.
  After many years, he graduated college and want to NBA team, Chicago Bulls. At first, Bulls wasn’t a good team, but after his playing, Bulls became a good team and won the championships many times.
  However, in the summer of 1993, one day, his father was killed by the eighteen-year old boys. Michael couldn’t understand this incident and he retired from basketball. After this thing, he played baseball but he was not a star on the baseball field. So, he came back to the Bulls’ in 1995 and continued to play basketball to 1999. I read this book because I wanted to know about him. I knew about his name, but I didn’t know about his concrete life. After reading this story, I was able to know about his life, so I want to talk about him with friends who likes basketball.



William Shakespeare

“He was a good friend to me.” “He was also the best playwright, the best poet, that ever lived in England.” “Will Shakespeare was his name.”


 I read “William Shakespeare”.

 This story is written by Will’s friend Toby. This story tells us Will’s life, so this is very long story. So, I want to summarize shortly about his life.

 In October 1579, Toby met Will at the near big field of apple trees. Will was fifteen years old and lived in Henley Street, and Toby lived in Ely Street with his uncle. From that day, they were friends. From young age, Will had liked to read books, so he told books and poetry and writers.

 Some years later, Will married with Anne Hathaway who was older than Will and they had three children. After that, he and Toby wanted to go to London and went to then.

 After that, overcome many difficulties such as pandemic of the plague in England, Will made many masterpieces at the theatre. For example, he wrote a play about love in 1595. It was Romeo and Juliet. It was a very sad play, because the young lovers die at the end. His plays were loved by the parts of Royal family. While leaving such great works, He died on the 23rd of April, in the year 1616.


I read this book because I want to know about his life and plays. I knew about his name and his masterpiece, but I didn’t know about the contents. So, to read this book, I could understand about the contents of his life. I was not able to write review in detail, please read this book if you want to know detail about his life clearly.



 Henley Street…イギリスの通りの名前

 Royal family…イギリス王室の総称

Global Lounge

 I went to Global Lounge for the first time. There were many books, DVDs, textbooks in French, Chinese, and Germany. Today, I played board game with friends of mine. I have never played the game and it was difficult. However it was fun for me! And after that, I played English games by iPad in Global Lounge. I have played it when I was junior high school student, but it was difficult and interesting!
 There are many in the Global Lounge, so I want to use this room to study English and communicate with other students and professer.


Millennium The Year 2000

 I read “Millennium The year 2000”.

 This book is about the world calendars, times and dates, and big step into 2000. In addition, it is about the news at the start of the millennium. For example, when we enter 2000 in Christian calendar, some of the best firework shows in Sydney, Paris and London. In Sydney, a million people watched the fireworks over the water. About 6000 people took out their own boats.

In the beginning of the 2000, for example, British actor built Millennium Dome. His name is Rowan Atkinson who played “Mr. Bean”. In addition, this book writes about our horoscope. For example, I’m a Capricorn, Capricorn tells us that “Try to understand the world and think about the future of our planet. This time is very important part of history.”
Not only these, there are many other things written in this book such as special events for the year 2000. If you interested in it, you should read this book.


The bamboo-cutter and the moon-child

 I read “The bamboo-cutter and the moon-child”.

Long long ago, there lived an old bamboo-cutter". "He was very poor and sad. He cut the bamboo every day and brought them to his home and made it into various articles for the household".

 One day, he found the bamboo which was flooded with a bright soft light. He looked it carefully and there was a tiny human in the bamboo. He has no child, so he took the little creature to his home and show to his old woman. The tiny creature was very beautiful. Also, from this time on, he found the lightning bamboo again and he got many ovals into the bamboo.

 Three months later, the bamboo child became a full-grown girl and many men fell in love with the girl. In the men, five princes wanted to marry with her. However, she wanted not to marry with them, she gave five difficult missions each of them. So, they were not able to get married.

 After that, an emperor wanted to marry with her, but she wanted not to meet him, but they got in touch with each other by their letter.

 Three years passed, the Princess of Moonlight felt very sad and shed tears to see the moon. The old man asked why are you crying? She replied that she was actually a moon’s human and she had to back to the moon in August 15th.
 The emperor heard that fact, he brought 2000 knights to the old man’s home to not to back the princess to the moon. However, the knights couldn’t fight with the moon’s messengers. So, the princess went back to the moon.


The ugly duckling

I read “The Ugly Duckling”.

It was so beautiful in the country in the summer time, a mother duck’s eggs hatched. One of her eggs was a little big and the bird was an ugly creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse from his brothers. So, he wanted to escape from the situation, and he found a woman’s home with one cat and a rooster. However, he was bullied by them, and he left the house.

One day, he watched the swans in the forest. He thought that they are very beautiful.

Few months later, he felt that he want to fly. He thought that I’m a ugly, but he was already a good swan. He flew to the water and he was able to see the beautiful swan, it was him.

 After that,  he lived happily with his companions. 

 I knew this book  before but I don't know about the book's contents clearly. I could read this book again and I can know about this story deeply.  

Momotaro or Little Peachling

 I read “Momotaro or Little Peachling”.

 "A long long time ago, there lived an old man and woman". "One day, the old man went to the mountain to cut grass and the woman went to the river to wash clothes".

 When she wash clothes, the big peach flowed on the river. So, she took the peach to her home to eat. When she arrived at home, she cut this peach, and the child came out from the peach. The old couple rejoiced and named Momotaro to the child. They didn’t have child until then, they took good care of him and he grew and became strong.

 One day, Momotaro decided to go to devil’s island to defeat devils and to take their riches. The old couple worried about him, but he went to island with a dog, a monkey and a pheasant.

 After arrived at the devil’s island, they fought with some devils, and at last, Momotaro had to fought to the chief of the devils, called Akandoji.

 At last, Momotaro defeated Akandoji and tied him with a rope so tight that he couldn’t move.

 Akandoji said that he would surrender all his riches. So Momotaro’s group went back to his home and he had a good life with the old couple.


I read this book because I wanted to read this book in English version. I didn’t know the chief of the devils name, Akandoji. It was good for me to know the new things about the story.




I read “Schools”.

This book tell me about the differences between schools around the world. This book is divided into eight parts. The parts names are Let’s go to school, Buildings, At school, In class, Lunchtime, Uniform, Free time and School trip. For example, in uniform section, it is talking about uniform in Peru.

 “Students in Peru wear a purple sweater and a white shirt. The girls wear a gray skirt and the boys wear a gray pants, but students don’t wear a uniform in every school in Peru.”

This book is written by very easy words. So, I think that it is a very good book for speeding reading. In addition, to read this book, you can know about the culture in each countries, so I recommend this book. 

A little princess

 I read “A little princess”.

 One cold winter day, Sara Crewe was taken to the school in London with his father from India. Her father was very rich and they are good on terms as if they are friends. The school’s principal was Miss Minchin. She said “Sara is beautiful” to her father nevertheless she didn’t beautiful such. However Miss Minchin liked her with money.

 After three years from her school day, Sara’s father sent letter about his job. That letter was very interesting for her because it was about diamond mine. After that, she made a new friend, who is Becky. Becky was a servant in this school, she was only fourteen years old, but she worked there from early morning to late night. Sara and Becky were friends, although they were different position.

 However, during the Sara’s birthday party, one bad message had come. It was about her father’s death. She was very sad, but she didn’t cry. In addition, she can’t pay her tuition because of her father’s death. After that, she had to work at the school as the servant.

 In the hard lives, she encountered a monkey and the one’s owner. He was Indian and he was a friend of Sara’s father. After that…

 This is a story about one girl and it is sentimental story. So after that, she went to the happy ending. However I don’t talk to you now, because you had better read this book on your own eyes and feel something good.    


The Big Bag MIstake

 I read “The Big Bag Mistake”.

 This is a story of a man and woman’s way home from London to Rio. The man is Ricardo, and the woman is Gisela. They went to the Rio on the same airplane. Ricardo found his seat on the airplane and pretty girl near his seat. He talked to Gisela again and again, but she didn’t deal with him. In this situation, his blue bag fell on the girl from the top of her head. She was angry and after that, she didn’t care of him.

 After many hours, the airplane arrived at the airport in Rio, and she went to the bus way to home with her blue bag. Ricardo chased her on his foots, but he didn’t catch up her. In the bus, Gisela’s blue bag was stolen because she was in asleep. She was angry and unhappy. However, after that…

 This is a short story and it is easy to read, so I recommend to you to read quickly. This story’s ending is very interesting, so if you want know about ending please read this book.


ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑩ (0708): Hercules the Hero

 This week, I read "Hercules the Hero". This is the book about the Hercules, one of the heroes. He was strong from he was born, an...