
William Shakespeare

“He was a good friend to me.” “He was also the best playwright, the best poet, that ever lived in England.” “Will Shakespeare was his name.”


 I read “William Shakespeare”.

 This story is written by Will’s friend Toby. This story tells us Will’s life, so this is very long story. So, I want to summarize shortly about his life.

 In October 1579, Toby met Will at the near big field of apple trees. Will was fifteen years old and lived in Henley Street, and Toby lived in Ely Street with his uncle. From that day, they were friends. From young age, Will had liked to read books, so he told books and poetry and writers.

 Some years later, Will married with Anne Hathaway who was older than Will and they had three children. After that, he and Toby wanted to go to London and went to then.

 After that, overcome many difficulties such as pandemic of the plague in England, Will made many masterpieces at the theatre. For example, he wrote a play about love in 1595. It was Romeo and Juliet. It was a very sad play, because the young lovers die at the end. His plays were loved by the parts of Royal family. While leaving such great works, He died on the 23rd of April, in the year 1616.


I read this book because I want to know about his life and plays. I knew about his name and his masterpiece, but I didn’t know about the contents. So, to read this book, I could understand about the contents of his life. I was not able to write review in detail, please read this book if you want to know detail about his life clearly.



 Henley Street…イギリスの通りの名前

 Royal family…イギリス王室の総称

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