
Momotaro or Little Peachling

 I read “Momotaro or Little Peachling”.

 "A long long time ago, there lived an old man and woman". "One day, the old man went to the mountain to cut grass and the woman went to the river to wash clothes".

 When she wash clothes, the big peach flowed on the river. So, she took the peach to her home to eat. When she arrived at home, she cut this peach, and the child came out from the peach. The old couple rejoiced and named Momotaro to the child. They didn’t have child until then, they took good care of him and he grew and became strong.

 One day, Momotaro decided to go to devil’s island to defeat devils and to take their riches. The old couple worried about him, but he went to island with a dog, a monkey and a pheasant.

 After arrived at the devil’s island, they fought with some devils, and at last, Momotaro had to fought to the chief of the devils, called Akandoji.

 At last, Momotaro defeated Akandoji and tied him with a rope so tight that he couldn’t move.

 Akandoji said that he would surrender all his riches. So Momotaro’s group went back to his home and he had a good life with the old couple.


I read this book because I wanted to read this book in English version. I didn’t know the chief of the devils name, Akandoji. It was good for me to know the new things about the story.


2 件のコメント:

  1. Little Peaching
    Are you sure this is correct?

  2. Momotaro had to fought to the chief of the devils
    Momotaro had to fight the chief of the devils


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