
Ali And His Camera

“Ali lives in Istanbul, a big city in Turkey. He lives in an old building near the famous Blue Mosque.”


 I read “Ali And His Camera”.

 He liked to take photos, but he didn’t have a camera. He took photos in his head and he was able to see the photos in his head. One day, he really wanted to get a camera, so he decided to earn some money and got a camera.

 At first, he worked at the market in his city after school. After many people shopping, he carried their bags to their destination. After that, he got money from their customer.

 One day, an old woman asked him to carry her bags. After that thing, she listened from him about his dream in the future and then, she gave one camera to Ali. It was her son’s camera but he didn’t use it. Ali was very happy and had took many photos. The old woman’s son was an newspaper reporter. Ali visited him and learned about photos. However, he evaluates “not bad” about Ali’s photos. Ali wanted to learn more and went to Selim’s shop. He was a photography shop’s man. In the learning, he got many skills about taking photos. Finally, his photos are appeared at the newspaper. He was very surprising about it!


 This story was very good because the story says that many efforts gives us dreams. I have many things what I want to in the future, but I don’t such efforts. So, I want to do many things to my future dreams.



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