
ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑤ (0520): The Monkey's Paw


 I read “The Monkey’s Paw”. There are mainly four characters in this story, Mr. White, Mrs. White, Herbert, and Tom Morris. Herbert is a White’s son. Tom was a soldier and Mr. White’s friend. He had a Monkey’s paw which can do strange and wonderful things. If someone take the paw in the right hand and wish something, the wish come true, but it brings unhappy things too. Then, Mr. White was interested in the paw and he got the paw from Tom. After wards, he wished that “I wish for £30,000” because his family was poor. After his wish, his son suddenly died at his workplace, a factory. Mr. and Mrs. White cried very much with their son’s death, but they could receive £30,000 from the factory. Then, Tom’s story was true that is “the wish come true, but it brings unhappy things too”.

 I think this story is very scary and I feel that we cannot get some good things so easily. That summary which I told is about middle of the story, so, if you are interested in the end of the story, check it out. Thank you.


ERL Ⅱb 2021 ④(0513): Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


 I read “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Do you know the story of this book? I think many of you probably know the story and have seen the movie of this story. Today, I’m going to talk about the interesting point that I think.

 This book is mainly divided into 30 chapters, but I think the part of 6 has interesting points. I will talk about in detail. In this story, many people want to get the Golden Ticket to go to Chocolate factory, but there are only 5 tickets in the world, and many people buy the factory’s product and look for the ticket and the scene said,


“… a famous gangster robbed a bank of five thousand dollars and spent the whole lot on candy bars that same afternoon.”

 I think this scene is interesting because the gangsters robbed much money to get the golden ticket.



ERL Ⅱb 2021 ③ (0506): The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

"Tom! Tom! Where are you?"
I read “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. I’m going to talk about this story, but this one is little long, so, I won’t talk about the ending of this story. I think it is interesting for the readers who haven’t read it. Tom was the unhappiest boy in the village. He had a friend Hack and one day, they went to the grave to see some ghosts. On this place, they saw three men, Muff, Injun and doctor. Accidentally, Tom and his friend saw the moment that Injun kills the doctor on the grave. After that, Injun had escaped from the police. Afterwards, Tom and his classmate Becky got lost in the middle of her birthday party and then, Tom encountered Injun again… After that is the ending of story. This story ends with happy ending as a result, but I summarized this story very shortly, so please read it.

ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑩ (0708): Hercules the Hero

 This week, I read "Hercules the Hero". This is the book about the Hercules, one of the heroes. He was strong from he was born, an...