
ERL Ⅱb 2021 ②(0429): Love on the Ice

“You’re very important to me.”
I read “Love on the Ice” this week. I will introduce this story shortly. There are three characters in this story, Barry, Emma, and Rachel. Barry is Emma’s boyfriend and they love each other. Barry skates almost every day and his skating partner is Rachel. One day, Rachel broke up with her boyfriend. However, she gradually likes her skating partner, Barry. Emma is jealous with Rachel. Which does he choice, Emma or Rachel. If you want to know about the end, I recommend you to read this book.

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ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑩ (0708): Hercules the Hero

 This week, I read "Hercules the Hero". This is the book about the Hercules, one of the heroes. He was strong from he was born, an...