
The coldest place on earth

 I read “The Coldest Place on Earth”.
 On June 1st in 1910, Mr. Scott and crew of a ship, Terra Nova went down the river to the sea to go to the South Pole first in all the time. While that was happen, on June 6th , in Norway, Mr. Amundsen and crew of a ship, Fram down to the sea. However, Mr. Amundsen was not going to go to the South Pole at first, and he changed his destination after that.
 Mr. Scott brought many men, the ponies, the new motor sledges and more money to go to the Antarctica. Mr. Amundsen brought many dogs, skis and sledges. So, Mr. Scott thought that they could go to the South Pole speeder than Mr. Amundsen, and he is not important. However, the dogs were very useful transportation in Antarctica.
 After that, both of them were able to step their way to the South Pole, but they had faced many difficulties such as heavy snow, the fog and shortages of their foods.
 At the end of the story, both of them were able to arrive at the Antarctica. Do you know the faster one? I don’t say about the result on this story. So, if you want to know about the result, please read this book.     

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