
ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑨ (0624): Mike's Lucky Day

 This week, I read "Mike's Lucky Day". 

 Mike was an assistant of Bill, and their job was delivering some food cans or boxes to the shop every Mondays. The shop's owner was Mr. Morgan and he has one daughter, Jennifer. She worked on the shop too. One day, Mike went to the shop to deliver some things and he met Jennifer, and he had a crush on her because she has got beautiful eyes. Afterwards, he telephoned to her to go to cinema with her. Jennifer accepted his invitation to see the movie. However, he was late for the date because of some reasons and Jennifer got mad. 

 Therefore, he sent some letters to her to forgive his wrong and one day, he suggested to her to come to Cafe. Eventually, they made up!

 In this book, that scene is the ending, but, if there were some sequels, I would like to read it. Thank you.  


ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑧ (0617): The Battle of Newton Road

 Hi, everyone. This week, I read "The Battle of Newton Road". This story has many kinds of character. Main character of this story is Sally Robson. She is a teacher and lives in a Newton Road. One day, one civil engineer, Mr. Wood, came to Newton Road and said "I'm going to knock down the old houses in Newton Road and build a new road and houses to you". The citizens of this town were surprised because the announcement was suddenly informed. Sally and some neighbors thought "This isn't good idea because friends and neighbors are most important". Then, the battle between the citizens and civil engineer has began. 

 I have a impressed scene of this story. That is a ending scene of this story. Sally started thinking that Mr. Wood's idea isn't bad because the new road and the new house are good. Like her, Mr. Wood started thinking that Sally's think is important because friends and neighbors are important parts of the life. And then, they held the meeting at the school again and determined the compromise and the battle has ended. I think this scene is so impressed. I cannot talk all of this story, so I will highly recommend this book. Thank you!


ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑦ (0610): Maisie and the Dolphin


 I read “Maisie and the Dolphin”. There are four main characters, Maisie King and her father, mother, and grandfather. Her mother and father are doctor. Maisie liked to go to the sea near her house and swim underwater.

 One day, she went to the sea with her grandfather and swim underwater, she found the piece of wood. Then, she back to her grandfather’s boat to announce that. However, accidentally, there is one dolphin in the sea, and one boat hit the dolphin and the dolphin was injured. Afterwards, she brought the dolphin back home to take care. Three weeks later, the dolphin be strong, so Maisie had to release the dolphin to the sea. She was so sad because she took care of him for three weeks. However, she decided to release the dolphin and released. Then, the dolphin came back to her boat with an old key. The old key was the key to open the wood box that Maisie found three weeks before. In the box, there are lot of coins and the family lived happily.

 I was impressed the last scene of this story. By helping the dolphin, she could get a lot of coins. This book is short, so, when you improve your reading skill, I will recommend this book.


ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑥(0603): The Phantom of the Opera

  I read "The Phantom of the Opera". The book is called 「オペラ座の怪人」 in Japanese and the story is played by many actor and actress in the world. 

  That is a story about one phantom in opera in Paris. There are many rumors about phantom, but there are few people who had seen him before. Christine Daae who is a opera main singer and Vicomte Raoul de Chagny who is a Christine's childhood friend. They love each other, but the phantom hesitate Raoul from loving Christine. Then, Raoul look for the identity of the phantom. 

 This story is too long, so I want to talk about the impressed part of the book. In this story, Raoul and Christine found the identity of the phantom and the phantom said some words to Christine to marry with her. To help Raoul's life, she accepted a marriage proposal and kissed him. Then, the phantom's heart was satisfied with love and he released Raoul and Christine. 

 In this scene, I was impressed because the love of Christine changed phantom's heart. I can't talk about all things in this story, so I will recommend you to read this book. 

ERL Ⅱb 2021 ⑩ (0708): Hercules the Hero

 This week, I read "Hercules the Hero". This is the book about the Hercules, one of the heroes. He was strong from he was born, an...